Nr. 237 (2018)

Hindi Transliteration and Translation of Sanskrit-Old Javanese Texts:
An attempt to introduce Indian cultural influences abroad to native India1

Nr. 237 (2018)

Von Ida Bagus Putu Suamba

Strong imprints of Indian culture in various forms or modes of expressions are significantly found in Java. Sanskrit-Old Javanese texts, amongst those texts and traditions, were produced in the island in the periods between 9th to 15th cen. A.D. It covers various genres and subjects enriching indigenous culture in the archipelago. Tutur or tattva texts were one genre of them recorded the dynamic of Javanese intellectuals or poet-sages in pursuing the truth; they reveal metaphysical or theological aspects of Brahmanism, Saivism, Buddhism, Tantrism, Samkhya, Yoga, etc. This paper attempts to study ideas behind the Hindi transliteration and translation of those texts. This is a library reserach, the data were collected from Hindi translation of those texts. This attempt is of high scientific and cultural values as Indian scholars paid attention to Indian culture spreading in foreign lands. With this attempt Indian intellectuals/scholars/students got acquainted with their own culture flourished outside India in different forms, since the works were written and produced in Devanagari script and Hindi language. It creates nuances of being Indian. It can widen their understanding on philosophical point of view, religious elements, and culture of Java, that unity in diversity does not only exist in native land but also abroad.

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Nr. 26 (1999)

The Meaning and the Effects of the II Vatican Council for the Inter-religious Relations of the Catholic Church in India

Nr. 26 (1999)

von Cheriyan Menacherry

Well before, even centuries before the II Vatican Council there were a lot of theological activities in India in the context of the different religions, particularly in the context of Hinduism. But the Council’s articulations on the Church’s relation with the non-Christian religions gave a tremendous boost to the theological movement in India. Almost all theological reflections in India began to situate themselves in the context of non-Christian religions, especially Hinduism. These theological reflections did not remain solely in the theological circles. They began to trickle down, perhaps hesitantly, into the official ecclesiastical circles. These elements may be

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Nr. 24b (1998)

Mahatma Gandhi’s Evaluation of the Caste System as an Element of the National Independence Movement in India

Nr. 24b (1998)

von Jürgen Stein



Castes still determine the social reality of India in many fields and affect politics more and more by functioning as vote banks which are decisive in elections. Thus it is small wonder that there is an ongoing discussion about this social phenomenon. The controversies in the course of this discussion not only relate to academic theories concerning the origin, the evolution and the mode of operation of the caste system but also determine the discussion about reform models for the Indian society. Such models either strive for the complete abolition of the caste system or

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Nr. 20 (1998)

Hindutva and Participation of Castes in Power

Nr. 20 (1998)

von Ramesh Patange

Weekly „VIVEK“ recently conducted a survey of the opinions of its readers. One of the readers wrote, ‚I am a devotee of Shri Ram; I belong to a certain caste; the concept of Hindutva may be all right for you; but how is this Hindutva beneficial to my caste?“ This question may be regarded as either very basic or childish. It is basic because its answer devolves on the proper concept of Hindutva and it is childish because it displays the ignorance of the reader of the fact that

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Nr. 13 (1997)

Minorities in a Democracy with Special Reference to India

Nr. 13 (1997)

von James Massey (Delhi)

I am proposing to deal with my subject „Minorities in a Democracy with special reference to India“ under the following heads: A Recent Case; Nature and Relationship, Formation and Responses; Concluding Remarks.

  1. A Recent Case

I became a member of the National Commission for Minorities on 3rd of December, 1996. This means I have now

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Nr. 10 (1997)

Inter-Religious Dialogue in India with Special Reference to Islam: Positions, Experiences and Reflections

Nr. 10 (1997)

von James Massey (Delhi)*

  1. Introduction

As both time and space at hand for this presentation** is limited, therefore instead of a longer introductory note, here a move is made to deal with the given subject straight. In the second section the background both historical and theological is discussed, which win state the position of the inter-religious dialogue in India. The third section will deal with the involvement and experiences of the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches in the field of inter-religious dialogue. The fourth section deals with other living religions specially Islam. Finally in section five concluding remarks are given in the form of reflections and in section six, the notes and references are listed.

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Nr. 09 (1997)

On Inter-Religious Relations with Special Reference to Indian Religious Festivals

Nr. 09 (1997)

von James Massey (Delhi)*

In recent years the role of ‚religion‘ has generally been considered in the negative term, specially in India. Today, it may be a Kashmir or Punjab problem in North India, but all such problems are attributed to ‚religion‘. But that is when ‚religion‘ is used at the higher level either by a state or sub-state, or by larger religious communities to protect their special interests. One such good example is of the Babri-Ramjanambhoomi conflict, over a Mosque and Temple,

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