A selection of writings on the relations between the Byzantines and the ‘Abbasids.
By Maria Vaiou
Frontier raids
The capture of Melitene in 750-1. „No. 284“ weiterlesen
A selection of writings on the relations between the Byzantines and the ‘Abbasids.
By Maria Vaiou
Frontier raids
The capture of Melitene in 750-1. „No. 284“ weiterlesen
Legal Foundations of Religious Education in Germany and Islamic Religion. Lessons
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Koç*
Betül Küçük**
Alman Anayasası velilere, öğrencilere ve dinî cemaatlere eğitim alanında haklar ve yetkiler tanımaktadır. Buna göre veliler ve öğrenciler doğrudan hak sahibi iken dinî cemaatler bu hakkın devletle birlikte taşıyıcısı ve uygulayıcısıdır. Anayasa; devletin, din dersi verme sorumluluğunu dinî cemaatlerle paylaşması gerektiğini ve din derslerini, dinî cemaatlerle uyum, anlaşma ve iş birliği içerisinde vermek zorunda olduğunu hükme bağlamıştır. Bu bağlamda din „No. 280“ weiterlesen
Byzantine churches or monasteries of Constantinople and its suburbs built/rebuilt by high officials, patriarchs and other personalities
(4th‒5th centuries)
By Maria Vaiou
St. Paul the Confessor
First mentioned as epi Paulon by the fifth century church historian Socrates. It was originally built by Paul’s, a former bishop of the city who was exiled after Constantius, successor and rival bishop Macedonius (342-60).[1] The tanslation of Paul’s relics to Constantinople took place by the emperor Theodosius I (379–95). Mentioned by the Notitia to have been in the VII Region. The Goths after the revolt of their chief Gainas (d. before 401) sought asylum there but the church was set on fire and were burnt alive. It was rebuilt shortly after. The church existed until the thirteenth century. The grave of the „No. 279“ weiterlesen
Three Byzantine religious foundations turned into mosques: a photographic, historical and bibliographical context The church of St. Theodosia or monastery of Christ
by Maria Vaiou „No. 277“ weiterlesen
Byzantium and the pre-Islamic Arabs:
a selection of religious, hagiographical and ecclesiastical sources
by Maria Vaiou
I dedicate this work to my father, Apostolos Vaiou, who died last year.
Hagiographies, martyrologies (Byzantine, Latin, Coptic, Syriac)
Acts of martyrs=G. Hoffmann, Auszüge aus den syrischen Akten persischer Märtyrer übersetzt und durch Untersuchungen zur historischen Topographie erläutert (Leipzig, 1880). „No. 274“ weiterlesen
Die Geschichte des Wüstenarabers (A‛rābī) und seiner Frau:
Eine Maṯnawī-Geschichte über die seelische Reise und das Verhältnis von Vernunft und Seele
Von Dilek Güldütuna
Die wesentliche Glaubenslehre des Islam ist das Bekenntnis der Einheit Gottes (Tawḥīd). Jalāluddīn Rūmī (g. 1273) erzählt in einer der längsten Geschichten seiner Maṯnawī die geistige Entwicklung des Menschen, bis er von Zwiespalt, Zweifel und Sorge befreit wird und so Tawḥīd, d.h. Einheit und Frieden in sich erreicht. Die Geschichte des Wüstenarabers (A‛rābī) und seiner Frau, welche in diesem Artikel behandelt wird, legt die Stufen der geistigen „No. 273“ weiterlesen
Hessen Eyaletinde DİTİB´in sorumluluğunda inanca dayalı İslam Din Dersi okutulmasına son verilmesi ve sürece dair düşünceler
By Fuat Kurt & Dr. Hüseyin Kurt²
Geçtiğmiz günlerde Hessen Eyaleti Eğitim Bakanlığını, 2013-14 ders yılından itibaren DİTİB Hessen Eyalet Birliği´nin sorumluluğunda Hessen eyaletindeki okullarda okutulmakta olan Almanya anayasasının 7.3. maddesine uygun inanca dayalı İslam dindersinin okutulmasına tek taraflı son vermiştir. „No. 271“ weiterlesen
Byzantium and the pre-Islamic Arabs:
a preliminary bibliography
By Maria Vaiou
I.‘Abbās, Ta’rīkh Bilād al-Shām min qabla l-Islām ḥattā bidāyat al-‘aṣr al-umawī, 600–661 (Amman, 1990).
Kh. Abd el-Badea Radwan Mahmoud, ‘Tanukhs in Syria and their relationship with the Roman empire between the third and seventh centuries’, in A. al-Helabi, et al., Arabia, Greece and Byzantium. Cultural contacts in ancient and medieval times. Proceedings of the International symposium on the historical relations between Arabia, the Greek and Byzantine world (5th c.BC‒10thc. AD), vol.ii (Riyadh, 2012). 404 „No. 270“ weiterlesen
zum historischen Entwicklungsprozess und zur Beendigung der Kooperation der Hessischen Landesregierung mit der DITIB den islamischen Religionsunterricht betreffend
Von Fuat Kurt[1] und Hüseyin Kurt[2]
Der bekenntnisorientierte Islamische Religionsunterricht nach Artikel 7.3 GG in der Verantwortung des DITIB Landesverbandes Hessen ist vom Hessischen Kultusministerium einseitig beendet worden.
Auch uns als Ko-Architekten dieses Unterrichts von islamischer Seite hat diese unerwartete Entwicklung außerordentlich betroffen gemacht. Was uns hierbei besonders nachdenklich macht, ist, dass bestimmte Personen und Organisationen, die im Prozess der Anerkennung des DITIB Landesverbandes als Religionsgemeinschaft und der Einführung des bekenntnisorientierten Islamischen Religionsunterrichts von Anfang an versucht haben, diesen „No. 269“ weiterlesen
A list of Latin polemical texts on Christian-Muslim relations:
a bibliographical guide
By Maria Vaiou
Selected primary sources
Abbot Samson (d. 890), Apologeticus (wr. 864)=Apologético del Abad Sansón, ed. J. Palacios Royan (Madrid, 1987); (repr. Tres Cantos, 1998).