Nr. 05b (1997)

Swami Vivekananda und der Buddhismus

Nr. 05b (1997)

von Edmund Weber

Modern Hindus use the term ‚Hindu‘ in a positive sense. It is no more a derogatory appellation used by foreigners and oppressors, but a powerful self chosen name.

The historically most valid ideologue of that positive Hindu understanding is Narendra Nath Datta (1863-1902). This highly talented son of a regarded lawyer family in Calcutta became disciple of Ramakrishna, the flaming son and

„Nr. 05b (1997)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 05a (1997)

Swami Vivekananda und der Buddhismus

A Contribution to a Modern Concept of Religion and Inter-Religious Relations

Nr. 05a (1997)

von Edmund Weber

Moderne Hindus verwenden die Bezeichnung Hinduismus in einem positiven Sinn. Sie gilt nicht mehr als lästige Fremd-, sondern als identitätsstiftende Selbstbezeichnung. Der historisch wirksamste Ideologe dieser neuen, man muß fast sagen genuinen Hinduismusbewegung, ist der in Kalkutta gebürtige Narendra Nath Datta (1863-1902). Dieser hochbegabte Sohn einer angesehenen Juristenfamilie wurde Schüler von Ramakrishna, dem glühenden Verehrer

„Nr. 05a (1997)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 04 (1997)

Swami Vivekananda’s Ethics of Religion

A Contribution to a Modern Concept of Religion and Inter-Religious Relations

Nr. 04 (1997)

von Edmund Weber

Many religious people believe that the integration of world society is of the greatest importance for mankind. They think that the religions of the world should strive to attain this goal through multi-religious agreement, through inter-religious dialogue, even through the merger of their organisations. Religious unification is supposed to be an effective instrument to

„Nr. 04 (1997)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 02 (1997)

Historical, Methodological and Ideological Perspectives*

Nr. 02 (1997)

von Edmund Weber

The Dalits have become part of the public consciousness and public debate in India. The process of losing their traditional identity as nobodies has started. They are not only a subject of debate but have become an active part of the politics as well. It is not possible to ignore them any more. – Even in Germany some people are aware of the Dalits now. Seminars are held on Dalit issues and paper

„Nr. 02 (1997)“ weiterlesen