No. 276

The Tenderness of Shiva
Existential experiences of the Tamil divine singer Manikkavasagar according to the collection of his holy songs Tiruvasagam[i]

No. 276 (2020)


Edmund Weber

In the Tiruvasagam[i], which are his songs in honour of Shiva, the Tamil singer Manikkavasagar (born about 800 A.D.) praises the miracle of his completely undeserved salvation from karmic illusion which he owes to his divine Father and Lord Shiva, the kind, friend and blessing-bringer.[ii] „No. 276“ weiterlesen

No. 263

Guru Nanak’s Response to Religious Plurality

No. 263 (2020)

By Dharam Singh

Religious plurality is not a newly emerged phenomenon rather it has been a reality of human social existence ever since recorded human history. The only difference is that it  was  not experienced with the same intensity as it is being experienced in the world today. Also, the human perception of it has changed a lot during the past century or so. In the ancient past people belonging to different religious backgrounds lived in their limited geographical universes. As a result, they did not face the social or theological challenges arising from „No. 263“ weiterlesen

Nr. 257 (2020)

Begegnung mit dem Heiligen  auf der Pilgerreise des Nath Yog Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath

Nr. 257 (2020)

Von Monika Nawrot

Edmund Weber zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet

  1. Einleitung

Seit einiger Zeit ist festzustellen, dass in modernen religiösen Organisationen oftmals eine „höhere Wirklichkeit“ gelehrt wird, die eine alle Religionsgrenzen transzendierende Wahrheit voraussetzt. In der heutigen Religionswissenschaft überwiegt seit ihrer Neuausrichtung als Kulturwissenschaft jedoch die Tendenz, religiöse Phänomene naturalistisch

„Nr. 257 (2020)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 251 (2019)

The Revolution of Grace
Martin Luther’s, Shri Krishna Caitanya’s and Guru Nanak’s Religion of Grace

Nr. 251 (2019)

Von Edmund Weber


Dialectical Theory of Religion
Three Concepts of Religious Culture
Martin Luther’s Doctrine of Grace
Shri Krishna Caitanya’s Eight Teachings on Grace
Guru Nanak’s Message of Grace

„Nr. 251 (2019)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 238 (2018)

The End of All Longing
The chanting of the holy name of Krishna as realization of the fundament of existence in the here and now1 from the perspective of the Gaudiya Vaishnava Tradition

Nr. 238 (2018)

Von Edmund Weber

Translated by Petra Huy-Kraft

Dedicated to Sacinandana Swami and the other singers who made Krishna’s Holy Name resound during the Kirtan Festival in Radhadesh (Belgium) in January 2017.

„Nr. 238 (2018)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 237 (2018)

Hindi Transliteration and Translation of Sanskrit-Old Javanese Texts:
An attempt to introduce Indian cultural influences abroad to native India1

Nr. 237 (2018)

Von Ida Bagus Putu Suamba

Strong imprints of Indian culture in various forms or modes of expressions are significantly found in Java. Sanskrit-Old Javanese texts, amongst those texts and traditions, were produced in the island in the periods between 9th to 15th cen. A.D. It covers various genres and subjects enriching indigenous culture in the archipelago. Tutur or tattva texts were one genre of them recorded the dynamic of Javanese intellectuals or poet-sages in pursuing the truth; they reveal metaphysical or theological aspects of Brahmanism, Saivism, Buddhism, Tantrism, Samkhya, Yoga, etc. This paper attempts to study ideas behind the Hindi transliteration and translation of those texts. This is a library reserach, the data were collected from Hindi translation of those texts. This attempt is of high scientific and cultural values as Indian scholars paid attention to Indian culture spreading in foreign lands. With this attempt Indian intellectuals/scholars/students got acquainted with their own culture flourished outside India in different forms, since the works were written and produced in Devanagari script and Hindi language. It creates nuances of being Indian. It can widen their understanding on philosophical point of view, religious elements, and culture of Java, that unity in diversity does not only exist in native land but also abroad.

„Nr. 237 (2018)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 29 (1999)

Die Kindheit des Heiligen

Nr. 29 (1999)

Von Edmund Weber
  1. Das Jesuskind im Christentum und Islam

Vielen Religionen ist es selbstverständlich, daß Gottheiten und heilige Wesen Mensch werden und eine Kindheit haben. Den christlichen Religionen orthodoxen Zuschnitts ist die Inkarnation Gottes sogar das Herzstück von Lehre, Ritual und Frömmigkeit. Die Gründe für die Menschwerdung Gottes sind dabei vielfältig: Gott wurde Fleisch, um die Menschheit aus der Gefangenschaft der Sünde loszukaufen oder aber um die Freuden der irdischen Armut zu genießen. Dabei wurde und wird stets

„Nr. 29 (1999)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 28 (1999)

Shape of the image of Christianity in the Vaishnava News Network (VNN)

Nr. 28 (1999)

von Peter Schmidt

1. Introduction and intentions. 2. Aspects of Christianity. 2.1. Jesus Christ. 2.1.1. Titles; 2.1.2. Character and mission 2.2. The Bible. 2.3. Criticism. 2.4. Bhaktivedanta Swami. 2.4.1. Comparison with Jesus; 2.4.2. Deviations. 3. Final summary. 4. Sources

1. Introduction and intentions

The Vaishnava News Network (VNN; Internet-address: is a „network of collaborating Vaishnavas worldwide providing

„Nr. 28 (1999)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 26 (1999)

The Meaning and the Effects of the II Vatican Council for the Inter-religious Relations of the Catholic Church in India

Nr. 26 (1999)

von Cheriyan Menacherry

Well before, even centuries before the II Vatican Council there were a lot of theological activities in India in the context of the different religions, particularly in the context of Hinduism. But the Council’s articulations on the Church’s relation with the non-Christian religions gave a tremendous boost to the theological movement in India. Almost all theological reflections in India began to situate themselves in the context of non-Christian religions, especially Hinduism. These theological reflections did not remain solely in the theological circles. They began to trickle down, perhaps hesitantly, into the official ecclesiastical circles. These elements may be

„Nr. 26 (1999)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 25 (1998)

Shape and Origin of Bhaktivedanta Swami’s Image of Christianity
An Essay

Nr. 25 (1998)

von Peter Schmidt

0. Introduction and theses. 1. Bhaktivedanta Swami’s view of Christianity. 1.1. The Bible; 1.2. Jesus; 1.3. History of the church. 2. Bhaktivedanta Swami’s religious socialization. 2.1. Childhood; 2.2 College; 2.3. Vaishnava-teachers. 3. Final summary and appendix (with glossary)

0. The Bengal Vaishnava Swami Abhay Caranaravinda Bhaktivedanta, briefly called Bhaktivedanta Swami, lived from 1896 to 1977. Eleven years before his death he founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in New York, abbreviated: ISKCON, for the most of you better known as the „Hare-Krishna movement“.

One may not consider Bhaktivedanta Swami as

„Nr. 25 (1998)“ weiterlesen