No. 283

Byzantine churches
built in Constantinople by the Theodosian dynasty (379‒457)

No. 283 (2021)

By Maria Vaiou

Arcadius (395‒408)[1]

St. Prodromus in Arcadianais

Attributed to the emperor Arcadius by the patriographers but they can hardly be trusted as they may have been led by the etymology of the word Arcadianae. Mentioned also in the Synaxarion of Constantinople [Syn C.].

Patria, iii, 25; Georgii Codini: excerpta de antiquitatibus Constantinopolitanis (Paris, 1655), 37‒64, 40 [=Cod.]; R. Janin, Les églises et les monastères, 2nd „No. 283“ weiterlesen

No. 281

Il pazzo uomo e il veccio Dio. L’Apocalisse dell’esistenza moderna secondo Friedrich Nietzsche

No. 281 (2021)

Un Saggio di Edmund Weber

“Dov’è andato? Ha chiamato, ti dirò: Lo abbiamo ucciso, – tu e me! Siamo tutti i suoi assassini! Dio è morto. Dio rimane morto. E lo abbiamo ucciso.”

Queste famosissime frasi scrisse Friedrich Nietzsche nel suo famosissimo libro “La Gaya Scienza” nel capitolo “Il pazzo uomo” non sono rivolte solo ai pii. Il suo grido inorridito si rivolse – e questo di solito viene trascurato – molto di più agli atei o ad altri infedeli.Tuttavia, la sua protesta non servì a incoraggiarli nella loro incredulità scientifica o non scientifica.No! Quell’incredibile verità „No. 281“ weiterlesen

No. 268


No. 268 (2020)

By Dharam Singh


The entire humankind wishes that peace prevails in the world, but, as a theologian[i] has said, peace can prevail in the world only if there is peace among religions.   This argument implies that for peace to prevail there must be dialogue – greater and meaningful – among different religions and an investigation of their foundations.  Dialogue among different religions of the „No. 268“ weiterlesen

No. 263

Guru Nanak’s Response to Religious Plurality

No. 263 (2020)

By Dharam Singh

Religious plurality is not a newly emerged phenomenon rather it has been a reality of human social existence ever since recorded human history. The only difference is that it  was  not experienced with the same intensity as it is being experienced in the world today. Also, the human perception of it has changed a lot during the past century or so. In the ancient past people belonging to different religious backgrounds lived in their limited geographical universes. As a result, they did not face the social or theological challenges arising from „No. 263“ weiterlesen

Nr. 251 (2019)

The Revolution of Grace
Martin Luther’s, Shri Krishna Caitanya’s and Guru Nanak’s Religion of Grace

Nr. 251 (2019)

Von Edmund Weber


Dialectical Theory of Religion
Three Concepts of Religious Culture
Martin Luther’s Doctrine of Grace
Shri Krishna Caitanya’s Eight Teachings on Grace
Guru Nanak’s Message of Grace

„Nr. 251 (2019)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 250 (2019)

Die Akten des Häresie-Verfahrens gegen den Augustinermönch Stephan Agricola 1522–1524 und die Korrektur des Staupitz-Bildes

Nr. 250 (2019)

Von Matthias Benad

Besprechung zu: Lothar Graf zu Dohna, Richard Wetzel, Staupitz, theologischer Lehrer Luthers. Neue Quellen bleibende Erkenntnisse, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation [SMHR] Bd. 105) 2018, 392 S

Zusammenfassung: Um dem neuen Forschungsstand zu Luthers geistlichem Mentor im Augustinerorden endlich zum Durchbruch zu verhelfen, edieren Dohna und Wetzel u. a. Akten aus dem Häresie-Verfahren des Erzbischofs von Salzburg gegen den Augustiner Agricola. Staupitz, der ein Gutachten lieferte, hat sich keineswegs von der lutherischen Bewegung distanziert. Er blieb seiner frühreformatorischen Theologie treu und vermied eine Verurteilung. Agricola musste keineswegs fliehen, er wurde freigelassen. Während andernorts schon Scheiterhaufen brannten, hatten Reformkatholiken hier noch Platz in der abendländischen Kirche.

„Nr. 250 (2019)“ weiterlesen