No. 271

Hessen Eyaletinde DİTİB´in sorumluluğunda inanca dayalı İslam Din Dersi okutulmasına son verilmesi ve sürece dair düşünceler

No. 271 (2020)

By Fuat Kurt & Dr. Hüseyin Kurt²

Geçtiğmiz günlerde Hessen Eyaleti Eğitim Bakanlığını, 2013-14 ders yılından itibaren DİTİB Hessen Eyalet Birliği´nin sorumluluğunda Hessen eyaletindeki okullarda okutulmakta olan Almanya anayasasının 7.3. maddesine uygun inanca dayalı İslam dindersinin okutulmasına tek taraflı son vermiştir. „No. 271“ weiterlesen

No. 270

Byzantium and the pre-Islamic Arabs:
a preliminary bibliography

No. 270 (2020)

By Maria Vaiou

 I.‘Abbās, Ta’rīkh Bilād al-Shām min qabla l-Islām ḥattā bidāyat al-‘aṣr al-umawī, 600661 (Amman, 1990).

Kh. Abd el-Badea Radwan Mahmoud, ‘Tanukhs in Syria and their relationship with the Roman empire between the third and seventh centuries’, in A. al-Helabi, et al., Arabia, Greece and Byzantium. Cultural contacts in ancient and medieval times. Proceedings of the International symposium on the historical relations between Arabia, the Greek and Byzantine world (5th c.BC‒10thc. AD), vol.ii (Riyadh, 2012). 404 „No. 270“ weiterlesen

No. 269

zum historischen Entwicklungsprozess und zur Beendigung der Kooperation der Hessischen Landesregierung mit der DITIB den islamischen Religionsunterricht betreffend

No.  269 (2020)

Von Fuat Kurt[1] und Hüseyin Kurt[2]

Der bekenntnisorientierte Islamische Religionsunterricht nach Artikel 7.3 GG in der Verantwortung des DITIB Landesverbandes Hessen ist vom Hessischen Kultusministerium einseitig beendet worden.

Auch uns als Ko-Architekten dieses Unterrichts von islamischer Seite hat diese unerwartete Entwicklung außerordentlich betroffen gemacht. Was uns hierbei besonders nachdenklich macht, ist, dass bestimmte Personen und Organisationen, die im Prozess der Anerkennung des DITIB Landesverbandes als Religionsgemeinschaft und der Einführung des bekenntnisorientierten Islamischen Religionsunterrichts von Anfang an versucht haben, diesen „No. 269“ weiterlesen

No. 268


No. 268 (2020)

By Dharam Singh


The entire humankind wishes that peace prevails in the world, but, as a theologian[i] has said, peace can prevail in the world only if there is peace among religions.   This argument implies that for peace to prevail there must be dialogue – greater and meaningful – among different religions and an investigation of their foundations.  Dialogue among different religions of the „No. 268“ weiterlesen

No. 264

On a Dialectical Theory of Religion
Fundamentals and Applications

No. 264 (2020)

By Edmund Weber

Religion in the proper sense i.e. authentic religion means the original act of existence. This act consists in the holistic dealing[i] of mind[ii] with its dialectical relationship of its two moments: the infinite constitution or abysmal foundation on one side and on the other side the finite construction or formative culture of existence[iii].

Abysmal foundation is mind’s infinite power of transcending all its cultural

„No. 264“ weiterlesen

No. 263

Guru Nanak’s Response to Religious Plurality

No. 263 (2020)

By Dharam Singh

Religious plurality is not a newly emerged phenomenon rather it has been a reality of human social existence ever since recorded human history. The only difference is that it  was  not experienced with the same intensity as it is being experienced in the world today. Also, the human perception of it has changed a lot during the past century or so. In the ancient past people belonging to different religious backgrounds lived in their limited geographical universes. As a result, they did not face the social or theological challenges arising from „No. 263“ weiterlesen

No. 262

Christian Muslim and Byzantine-Muslim religious polemic, interreligious debate, apologetics

A Bibliographical Collectiom

No. 262

By Maria Vaiou

Selected documents


Against Muammad (ca.. 10th or 11th c.), ed./Lat. tr.  PG 104, cols 1447–58.

CMR 2, 577–9.

Agallianos, Theodore (d. bef.  1474)=ed. Ch. G. Patrinelis, Ho Theodoros Agallianos kai hoi anekdotoi logoi autou [=Ὁ Θεόδωρος Ἀγαλλιανὸς ταυτιζόμενος πρὸς τὸν Θεοφάνην Μηδείας καὶ οἱ ἀνέκδοτοι λόγοι του. Μία νέα ἱστορικὴ πηγὴ περὶ τοῦ πατριαρχείου Κων/λεως κατὰ τοὺς πρώτους μετὰ τὴν ἃλωσιν χρόνους] (Athens, 1966). [apologetic logoi of 1463, status of patriarchs in the decade after the conquest of the capital] „No. 262“ weiterlesen

Nr. 261 (2020)

Der Denker, der den Preis seiner Gedanken mit seinem Leben bezahlte:
Suhrawardī al-Maqtūl – Meister der Erleuchtung

Nr. 261 (2020)

Von: Selahattin Akti


Generell lässt sich sagen, dass die islamische Ideengeschichte auf drei Säulen beruht. Diese sind: Kalām (systematische Theologie), Sufismus und die islamische Philosophie. Auch wenn ihre Referenzen, Terminologien und Schlussfolgerungen voneinander abweichen, diskutieren alle drei Disziplinen ähnliche Themen. Die islamische Philosophie etablierte im Laufe der Zeit ihre eigene Tradition, die sich besonders in den intellektuellen

„Nr. 261 (2020)“ weiterlesen

No. 260 (2020)

The Mad Man and the Old God.

An Essay on Friedrich Nietzsche’s Apocalypse of Human Existence (Revised Version)

No. 260 (2020)

By Edmund Weber

The sun was shining at the marketplace when a mad man was looking with a lamp for God. The astonished people scornfully told him God may be sick or he may be travelling. But the mad man answered:[1]

 Where has he gone? He called, I will tell you” We have killed him, – you and me! We all are his murderers! … God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.

Do we still hear nothing of the noise of the grave-diggers who are burying God?

„No. 260 (2020)“ weiterlesen