No. 282

Die Religion des Puritaners Richard Baxter und ihr Verhältnis zum orthodoxen Kalvinismus und der pseudo-kalvinistischen Erfolgsideologie

Zur Frage einer religiösen Vorbereitung des Geistes des Kapitalismus

Neue Fassung

No. 282 (2021)

Von Edmund Weber

  1. Kalvinismus vs. Pseudo-Kalvinismus

Die Vorstellung, daß Johannes Kalvin (1509-1564) und seine Nachfolger und Anhänger, zu denen auch Richard Baxter (1615-1691) gerechnet wird, den Geist des Kapitalismus vorbereitet hätten, weil ihnen weltlicher Erfolg, „No. 282“ weiterlesen

No. 281

Il pazzo uomo e il veccio Dio. L’Apocalisse dell’esistenza moderna secondo Friedrich Nietzsche

No. 281 (2021)

Un Saggio di Edmund Weber

“Dov’è andato? Ha chiamato, ti dirò: Lo abbiamo ucciso, – tu e me! Siamo tutti i suoi assassini! Dio è morto. Dio rimane morto. E lo abbiamo ucciso.”

Queste famosissime frasi scrisse Friedrich Nietzsche nel suo famosissimo libro “La Gaya Scienza” nel capitolo “Il pazzo uomo” non sono rivolte solo ai pii. Il suo grido inorridito si rivolse – e questo di solito viene trascurato – molto di più agli atei o ad altri infedeli.Tuttavia, la sua protesta non servì a incoraggiarli nella loro incredulità scientifica o non scientifica.No! Quell’incredibile verità „No. 281“ weiterlesen

No. 278

G.W.F. Hegels und Rudolf Ottos
Kritik empiristischer Religionsdeskription

No. 278 (2020)

Von Edmund Weber

  1. Vorbemerkungen

Die Renaissance der Erforschung der Religionsphilosophie G.F.W. Hegels und Rudolf Ottos ist ein Indiz dafür, daß die Ansicht, Religion sei eine historische, zufällige und zweifelhafte Gestalt kulturellen Lebens, und man könne ihre Erforschung einmal auf das Sammeln von sogenannten religiösen Daten und zum andern ihre Existenz auf religionsfremde Ursachen und Zwecke zurückführen, nicht mehr selbstverständlich ist und zur Vermutung Anlaß gibt, „No. 278“ weiterlesen

No. 276

The Tenderness of Shiva
Existential experiences of the Tamil divine singer Manikkavasagar according to the collection of his holy songs Tiruvasagam[i]

No. 276 (2020)


Edmund Weber

In the Tiruvasagam[i], which are his songs in honour of Shiva, the Tamil singer Manikkavasagar (born about 800 A.D.) praises the miracle of his completely undeserved salvation from karmic illusion which he owes to his divine Father and Lord Shiva, the kind, friend and blessing-bringer.[ii] „No. 276“ weiterlesen

No. 275

John Calvin – a pioneer of the spirit of capitalism?
An Essay

No. 275 (2020)

by Edmund Weber


The thesis John Calvin (1509-1564) was the religious initiator of modern capitalist mentality is inconsistent with his teaching; just the opposite is true. Calvin represented a very traditional i.e. non- or even ant-capitalist socio-economic position. There one does not find on his doctrine what could have fostered and prepared a so-called spirit of capitalism.

Keywords: John Calvin this-sided and other-sided predestination spirit of capitalism „No. 275“ weiterlesen

No. 264

On a Dialectical Theory of Religion
Fundamentals and Applications

No. 264 (2020)

By Edmund Weber

Religion in the proper sense i.e. authentic religion means the original act of existence. This act consists in the holistic dealing[i] of mind[ii] with its dialectical relationship of its two moments: the infinite constitution or abysmal foundation on one side and on the other side the finite construction or formative culture of existence[iii].

Abysmal foundation is mind’s infinite power of transcending all its cultural

„No. 264“ weiterlesen

No. 260 (2020)

The Mad Man and the Old God.

An Essay on Friedrich Nietzsche’s Apocalypse of Human Existence (Revised Version)

No. 260 (2020)

By Edmund Weber

The sun was shining at the marketplace when a mad man was looking with a lamp for God. The astonished people scornfully told him God may be sick or he may be travelling. But the mad man answered:[1]

 Where has he gone? He called, I will tell you” We have killed him, – you and me! We all are his murderers! … God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.

Do we still hear nothing of the noise of the grave-diggers who are burying God?

„No. 260 (2020)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 251 (2019)

The Revolution of Grace
Martin Luther’s, Shri Krishna Caitanya’s and Guru Nanak’s Religion of Grace

Nr. 251 (2019)

Von Edmund Weber


Dialectical Theory of Religion
Three Concepts of Religious Culture
Martin Luther’s Doctrine of Grace
Shri Krishna Caitanya’s Eight Teachings on Grace
Guru Nanak’s Message of Grace

„Nr. 251 (2019)“ weiterlesen